If you’re read my recent post, you’ll know that the hubby and I got a puppy a few weeks ago. We felt it was time to add to our pack and our boy Maizen kind of fell into our laps. Universe being in divine order and all…
So, if you’ve ever had a 6 week old puppy, you’ll know what’s going on in our house. If you’ve never had one, just know that it comes with some stress and sleep deprivation. I don’t have children but have been told it’s a lot like having a newborn then toddler, but it moves faster. Thankfully. Anyway…
One of my concerns about bringing in a puppy was our boy Blue. I was worried he would feel jealous, or unloved, or just plain pissed off about it. And even though I’m an animal communicator, talking to your own animals about stuff that you’re attached to is difficult. So I reached out to my friend and colleague who assured me that Blue was fine about it….as long as his lifestyle didn’t change. (Some of you have seen pictures of Blue in various bars. He comes with us a lot when we do stuff and he didn’t want that to change.)
So here I was thinking that everything would be perfect and simple. Silly me. Maizen is a handful at 9 weeks now and REALLY wants to play. Naturally, he sees Blue as a playmate. Unfortunately, Blue wants nothing to do with him. He’s not mean or aggressive, he just moves away from him when the puppy wants to engage. I’ll admit, seeing this, really upset me. I’ve definitely gone through the, ‘OMG! What have I done to my boy Blue?! I’m horrible!’
In my weekly call with another friend and colleague I brought this up. I asked her if she could connect with Blue to feel him out about stuff. And…here’s the point of all this…Blue pointed her back to me. In other words, this is my story. I’m the one feeling guilty for ‘upsetting’ the family dynamic. I’m the one assuming Blue is feeling a certain way. I’m the one choosing to feel the way I am. And I know better.
Our animals live in the present. So, when Maizen wants to play with Blue, and Blue doesn’t want to, Blue just jumps on the sofa where the puppy can’t get to him, and the puppy just walks away and finds a toy to amuse himself with. Neither are mad, they just move on. They’re both just living in the present. It’s as simple as that.
Huh? Not only are my dogs cute as the day is long, loving, and funny…they’re always giving me messages to help me grow. But I knew that…
I just needed to remember.
Live and learn with love…