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Are your days getting longer or shorter?

I’m finding it hard to believe that this coming weekend is Memorial Day Weekend. As I’ve been saying about a lot of things lately, ‘When did THAT happen?!’ As in, how are we almost halfway through the year? They say as you get older, time goes by more quickly. I confess, I’m seeing that happen. But I’m not all that upset about it.

Funny story. When my Mom was alive, she and one of her best friend’s would call each other every June 21 and December 21. In December, they’d talk about how great it was the days were now getting longer. But in June, they’d get kind of sad about how the days were now getting shorter. Talk about a buzz kill. I used to laugh at my Mom asking her why she’d go negative like that. I always encouraged her to find something to appreciate. And while she did at times, she would also often respond with, “I’m a realist.” The thing that always got me was that she was responding to things outsider herself that she had no control over.

I’m kind of a summer girl. One of the reasons why I live at the beach in NC. We’ve most definitely noticed the island getting a bit heavier this week. The vacationers are here and it’s getting crowded. Now although we do get a bit put out by visitors over the course of every summer (and you should see it by 4th of July…), we’re also really happy for our friends who own restaurants and retail businesses. This is their time of year!!

But shouldn’t it really be OUR time of year? I mean all of us? And shouldn’t that time of year be anytime we deem it so?

People always ask me what I’m doing over the summer. And my answer is always, ‘nothing.’ But by that I also mean everything. Nope, we’re not going anywhere over the next four months. But, we’re doing everything. Just the way we want to. In a very laid back way. Having a great time people watching. Spending time on the beach. Laughing with friends. Spending time with those that come to visit.

And as I write that I say, ‘Huh. That’s what happens pretty much all year.’ Yes, it’s colder in the winter and wetter in the spring, but I can pretty much find something to appreciate, something to have a blast doing, no matter what time of year it is. Because I deem it so.

What’s my point? I think it’s to say, it doesn’t matter what season it is, or how fast time is going. I think what matters is how you’re looking at life?

Are your days getting longer or shorter?

And what do you want to do about it?

Live and learn with love…

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