Are we a good match?

Last week in an Intuitive Life Coaching session, the subject of interviews came up. My client was considering moving back in to the workforce and was facing a potential interview, which she hadn’t had in a really long time. And that got me thinking. I was remembering how way back when…like over 25 years ago…the last time I had an interview, how they usually went down. I was remembering how when I went on an interview I was basically walking in desperate to get the job. So it was all about proving myself to the person who was interviewing me. And I found myself saying almost anything to get that job. Like, ‘Absolutely! I have great experience doing that!’ then walking out determined to figure out how to do that before they offered me the job. In other words, it didn’t really matter if that job was a good match for me, I was just trying to be a good match for the job.

Now, I think differently. And I was lead to say that to my client. I was reminding her…and myself…that it’s as much about finding out if they…the person, or company, or job…we’re interviewing for is a good match for us. Now you’ve all heard me talk about the Law of Attraction like a gazillion times. Here’s an example of it.

I found out I have an interview this week. No, not for a job, I LOVE what I do and won’t stop doing it until I can’t do it anymore! But several months ago I applied to become a student in a 2-year mentoring program (I tend to dive in and don’t do anything small…lol). I’m very interested in this modality and want to see if I can add it to my toolbox. The thing is, I’m not actually sure I have what it takes to totally be of service to my clients using it. So, like for the first time ever, I’m really hoping my interviewer says, ‘Ger, you don’t got what it takes,’ if I in fact don’t. And, for the first time ever in an interview, I’m not going to be trying to ‘sell’ myself. I’m going to be completely honest about my abilities, my limitations, my goals, my wants, and my needs. In other words, I’m really going to be looking to see if this is a good match for me and for my clients.

I used to HATE interviews. All the pressure, all the judging, all the sucking up, all the desperation. Now?

I can’t tell you how excited I am to get to this one.

Live and Learn in Munay.

Ps. Ever wanted to learn how to communicate with YOUR animals? Good, you’re in luck! My next Soul Level Animal Communication® 101 class starts on August 15! Click here for more details!

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