Every year this time of year I find myself asking how we got here? Not like in a philosophical, ‘how did we get here?’ way, but in a ‘how the hell is it mid September already?!’ way. Folks on social media are talking about pumpkin spice this and pumpkin spice that, Halloween decorations…and in some places Christmas decorations…are up, and we’re starting to see photos of people around fire pits and falling leaves. (Of course I live in SE NC and as of right now it’s still 88° so we’re not quite feeling it here, but still….)
I’m pretty sure I’ve touched on the subject of ‘being present’ before. And I’m really, really realizing how hard that actual is sometimes. We all have all these things going on in our lives. But this time of year I always start to feel this sense of peace. Don’t get me wrong, I live at the beach and I LOVE summer. But in September, the tourists leave our little island and things start to get quiet. It feels like we all have space to breathe. The weather (USUALLY…) gets cooler and we can wear that favorite sweatshirt at night. Things start to slow down in a really pleasing way.
This is the time of year when I feel I am present.
What’s the point of all this? We’re missing out if we can’t be present all the time.
For some of us, things are slowing down this time of year. For others, they’re ramping up with school, work, activities, etc. So how do we stay present all year, every year?
I think we breathe.
I have a regular yoga practice. When I first started practicing I was all about working the muscles in my poses. Now, I’m really in to listening to the breath. It keeps me super present. Haven’t we all been in a situation where we’re totally freaked about something and someone with us says, “Okay, just breathe! Big, deep breaths.” And it works, right!? The thing is, we don’t need to be in the middle of an anxiety attack to use that breath. We have access to it all day every day.
So, close your eyes. Sit back. Take a deep breath in. Let it out. And just be where you are.
Live and learn with love…
ps. Super excited to be a guest on The Dr. Danielle Clark radio show on Win Win Women, October 21 where I’ll be talking about my journey through breast cancer and how sweeping it under the rug wasn’t the best option! Subscribe to her YouTube channel to catch it!
pss. I will be taking part in the 1st Annual “It’s All About M.E.” Weekend, November 4-6 offering a discount on 20 minute readings. Click here to book your session! (scroll down to Psychic Fair)