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We’re wives and we’re psychic.

Sometime last year I was on the phone with my good friend Kathy and the subject of a podcast came up. ‘We should totally do that!!!’ was what we both said. And then never talked about it again. Until a few months ago when we were on a Zoom call with our other friend Ginger and the subject came up again. This time, it took and within a few days the three of us were talking, planning, and getting very excited. Last Thursday, we recorded and uploaded our first podcast. And it was a blast!

The three of us…Kathy Rumsey, Ginger Hendry, and myself…are calling ourselves ‘The Psychic Wives.’ Which I personally find hysterical. We definitely threw around a few other names, but that’s the one that stuck. Our first podcast was basically talking about us, who we were, how we got here, etc. Introducing ourselves and the podcast.

So the three of us are just that. Wives…but a whole lot more. We’re wives, we’re business owners, we’re mothers (me to only four legged animals, remember that ‘baby gene’ post….), one of us is a grandmother, we’re animal lovers, we’re students, we’re friends, we’re confidantes, and oh yea, we’re psychic. And THAT’s what this podcast is about. All of that. 

We talked about this in this first episode. How when some folks hear you’re psychic or think of psychics they envision someone with a big turban on their head, wearing flowy dresses and a ring on every finger, surrounding themselves with crystals (okay, that part is true at least in my case…), candles lit all around them, looking in to a crystal ball. And basically kind of weird. You get the picture. When in fact, most of people who do the things we do, and work in the modalities that we work in look just like us. Pretty dog gone normal.

So, as we progress with our episodes we hope to talk about all things energy. Reiki, animal communication, mediumship…those things we offer in our business, but much more. We hope to help our listeners uncover their own intuitive abilities. We hope to help our listeners do their own growing and become their best selves. 

Our tagline is ‘Everyday living. With a twist.’ And that about covers it. 

For more information about The Psychic Wives, visit us at www.thepsychicwives.com. You can subscribe to our podcast via that site and also soon find us on iTunes!

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