Let’s clean some house!

 A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine posted something on social media and I literally LOL’d. It said:

“2018 is almost over and all I gotta say is what the F&%$K was that.”

Only it used the real word there. And yes, I reposted it. Because that really is how I’ve felt for the past several months. What the F was that all about!? Now, was there some awesomeness for me in 2018? Absolutely. But there was also a whole bunch of not so good. An issue with extended family that continues to come up, a hurricane, flooding, a few deaths, and more….and I was thinking about all of this as I waited at my Vet’s office today on my 5th visit in 2 months. So yea, I’m just about over this year. And I’m ready to wipe the slate clean for the next.

The hubby and I were talking the other day as we were rearranging furniture in our house. I commented on how I always want to do this right after the new year and he mentioned how I was to that point earlier than usual. Afterall, it is only the day after Christmas as I write this. This year, I didn’t even wait until the calendar turned to start changing the things around me. But that’s a good thing! (It just needed to happen sooner than it did. Lesson learned as they say.)

By studying the Law of Attraction I’ve learned that sometimes you just have to pivot. When you find yourself thinking about or focusing on unwanted things, you have to stop, take stock, then change the thought pattern. Now that doesn’t mean you have to change the way you’re thinking about that unwanted thing. It means you can just stop thinking about that thing at all. Stop. Take stock. Change the thought.

This year a lot of awesome things have happened in my life. The hubby and I went to Bimini and swam with wild dolphins, I learned Past Life Regression Therapy with Dr. Brian Weiss, I spent a week at Kripalu in Massachusetts helping teach Animal Communication to a group of amazing people, I’ve communicated with many many animals helping both them and their humans, I’ve laughed until I cried with old friends, and have made new life long friends. So yea, it’s time to pivot and remember all those AMAZING THINGS! It’s time for me…and for all of my friends who gave me a ‘hell yea!’ when I posted that quote…to pivot. It’s time to stop focusing on all the crap that came with 2018 and to close out the year remembering all the things that DID go right. We need to clean up our act about this year so we don’t bring the stuff with us to the next. In short?

It’s time to clean some house!

I’ve painted my office, I’ve rearranged the furniture and I’ve taken back control of my life and what I choose to give my attention to. Just in time for that big old ball to drop.

Happy New Year All. Let’s make it a good one.

Live and learn in Munay.

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