Just love on one another.

I’m writing this blog post the day after my last round of chemotherapy. I’m not done with my treatment, still have radiation and a year of other infusions ahead of me, but the ‘hard part’ is now over. And it was hard. There were times when I cried because my body felt like crap and my mind started going to some dark places. I still have some super weird and disturbing side effects that I’m looking forward to seeing go away. And I’ll be honest, at times, I had little mini pity parties for myself.

But throughout this whole thing I’ve had some absolutely incredible people in my life cheering me on. Several friends religiously sent cards, like every other week. Some sent Reiki on a regular basis. I received cute little gifts. I got several ‘last day’ gifts yesterday (the champagne is chilling as we speak). My bestie checked in on me, either calling or texting, literally EVERY SINGLE DAY (we’re pretty sure we were married, or related, or something in another life…LOL!) and I got a TON of emails and texts. Including one every week from someone I feel is an outstanding woman and dear friend. This friend sent me her normal Thursday text last week, on the day of my second to last treatment as usual cheering me on. “Two more to go…that is super duper good news! It is almost all in the rear view mirror now. 🥰💋👍” What I didn’t know at the time I received that text was that her father had passed away four days before after a very long battle with cancer. But she didn’t mention it. Knowing her it was because she didn’t want me to think about something like that while I was in the middle of my treatments. Just the kind of person she is. Incredible.

So. I thought I’d put a few things out there. First, I wanted to send each and everyone one of you who has been cheering me on a MASSIVE thank you. Part of me wants to actually list your names here, but I’ll admit I have ‘chemo brain’ and would undoubtedly leave someone out and then I’d feel bad so I’m just going to say, you know who you are. As they say, mere words aren’t even close to enough. The cards, messages, gifts, hysterical memes, etc. meant EVERYTHING. And I PROMISE, I  will pay it forward in your honor. 

Second, if you find out someone in your life is going through something, reach out. Often. It doesn’t have to be big, even something small is a big deal to them, trust me. Don’t assume because you still see them posting on FB that they’re okay. They may be at times, but they aren’t at other times. 

Third, it really is okay to occasionally have that pity party. We’re human, it’s natural. But keep in mind, no matter how bad you feel you’ve got it, someone else is going through something worse. Often times MUCH worse.

To sum it up….

Life is short. It’s supposed to feel good, it’s supposed to be fun. But sometimes it isn’t. So when you can…

Just love on one another. 

Like you all did for me.

Live and Learn with love.

ps. Don’t forget to check out my podcast with ‘The Psychic Wives’ here on Apple Podcasts! And give us a Like and a review! 

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